Courses & Programs
online courses that explore your sexuality & help you learn more about what you want!
Prepare yourself for a Young Swingers Week or Hedonism Trip withOUT the stress & anxiety of travel AND withOUT winging it and feeling like you missed out and didn’t have the experience that you wanted!
Part 1 = How to Prep for a YSW/Hedo Trip
Part 2 = How to Prep Your Relationship for a YSW/Hedo Trip
Part 3 = How to Meet, Flirt & Have Fun at YSW/Hedo
This webinar is great for newbies and seasoned lifestyler travelers - ALL WELCOME!
Reawaken, reconnect and embody your authentic sexual self! Journey through your sexuality and explore everything you desire. This program is composed of 3 parts:
Step 1: Find Your Soul (Self Love, Fantasies & Fears; Feeling & Emotions; Chakra E-Book; Slut Astrology E-Book)
Step 2: Find the Joys in Your Soul (5 Love Langues & 5 Erotic Blueprints; Pleasure, Play & Presence; Saying No & Feeling Good; Full & New Moon Sexuality Rituals)
Step 3: Find Your Soul Tribe (Direct Communication & Getting What You Want; What To Do About Non Sluts?)
Awaken your pleasure, power and potential as a women! I suggest checking out the Viva La Vagina course. Courtney recently reached out to me to share her course and I am blown away by the passion, love and deepness that she offers. This is specifically designed for women who desire sexual freedom & confidence, life-changing pleasure & orgasms and profound self-connection.
The DEEP guide to sexually satisfying women. I speak to men every day who think they’ve got it figured out when it comes to sexually satisfying a woman. Most of these men are attractive, educated, confident, and successful. But the reality is: VERY FEW of them actually get it. Because when it comes to pleasuring women, you can use all the right techniques and say the right things… But none of those things will fulfill her until you master your SEXUAL PRESENCE. YOUR SEXUAL PRESENCE (or lack thereof) is the difference between your woman wanting sex “some of the time” versus, your woman uncontrollably desiring to be penetrated by you.